Rhynowet RED Line Sheets carry worldwide respect for possibly being the best abrasive for hand sanding blades on the market.
This is a "Taster Pack" made up to let you get a feel for this fantastic product in one simple pack.
It contains the following grades and number of sheets;
- P120 grit - 3
- P240 grit - 3
- P320 grit- 3
- P400 grit- 2
- P600 grit- 2
- P800 grit- 2
- P1000 grit- 2
- P1500 grit- 1
- P2000 grit- 1
- P2500 grit- 1
You can also add P80 and P500 sheets.
When you find the grades that work best for you, you can pick them up in 50 Sheet Packs.
Indasa Rhynowet REDLine - 20 Sheets Taster Pack - 230mm x 280mm (9" x 11")
SKU: SHTTPK-911-AOx-Pmix-Ind
Excluding VAT